Youth Serve Needy Kids in Jesus’ Name

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Rev. Dr. Clifton Charles is Senior Pastor of the Worldwide Church of God (known in the U.S. as Grace Communion International) congregations in Barbados and Trinidad & Tobago. He also teaches economics at the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill, Barbados.

Clifton and his wife, Pearl, planned and hosted DNA vision conferences in Trinidad in 2009 and in Tobago in 2011 which were facilitated by Bob Moffitt and Darrow Miller.

Clifton and Pearl were married in 1973. They have no children. Pearl travels with him most of the time as an active ministry partner.

In this brief video about the impact of DNA principles, Pearl gives two accounts of youth who take Jesus’ love to kids in needy neighborhoods in the Caribbean islands.


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10 years ago

This testimony dielnfteiy gives glory to God. Only in His infinite wisdom could this story be told and these lives be transformed. I am forever praising God for saving my brother, Daniel, and for bringing Erin into our family. Now they are not only family on this earth but in God’s family for eternity. Thanks for being willing to proclaim it from the rooftops (from the www!). May God use this to bring even more fruit for His kingdom, and may He keep you growing ever closer to Him until Jesus returns!

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