Venezuelan gangs call a truce with help from local churches

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“How good and pleasing it is when God’s people live together in unity!” Psalm 133:1

In Venezuela, a team of local Christian churches has collaborated to bring reconciliation between the two dominant gangs in Las Delicias-Carapita, a barrio in Caracas (the capital city) with very high levels of violence and delinquency.

About 90 believers from seven churches were supported by the national police in a day-long outreach that included the following activities:

This outreach was organized by Pastores Amigos, a fellowship of pastors devoted to bringing God’s healing to Antimano–a district in Caracas–through practical acts of love and outreaches like this one. Pastor Virgilio (from the church Nueva Jerusalem) and Pastor Lugo (from the church Vida Nueva), with support from local police, led the mediation between the two gangs.

“As a result of that, there has not been more shooting, killing or gang fighting in the following weeks!” says Xiomara Suarez, who works for Harvest, an affiliate organization of the DNA global movement. “God is doing something, and Pastors in Unity (our association created in Caracas) is working on bringing unity among pastors in the whole country.”

Pastores Amigos (in Antimano) is an expression of this unity: Since April 2013, members of Pastores Amigos have worked together to conduct one or two outreaches each month in Antimano, each time involving 6-10 churches.

“Is it amazing to see the impact of the evangelical church in the community when churches work together to serve the people! We praise God for the wonderful result of this outreach and ask you to continue praying for Pastores Amigos and the united work of the evangelical church in Antimano!” says Xiomara.

“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up … A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, 12b

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