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Earlier this month, eight Christian leaders from around the world gathered at Darrow Miller’s home in the mountains for nine days to discuss and apply the teachings of his book LifeWork: A Biblical Theology for What You Do Every Day. It was a rich time of relationship building, dreaming, and planning how to take these important messages into each person’s respective community.

To get a sense of the impact of this book on some of its readers, check out these short video clips….

Living Coram Deo (Before the Face of God)

Pastor Jairo Diaz (in white shirt) from Bogota, Colombia discusses what it means to live “Coram Deo” — before the face of God — as discussed in chapter five of the DNA book LifeWork.

All Work is Worship

Pastor Mark Dean of Sienna Ranch Baptist Church in Texas explains why there is no distinction in God’s Kingdom between sacred and secular work.

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2 Responses

  1. As someone who is in “full time ministry” in the sense that I make my living preaching and teaching the Bible, I have increasingly had the same revelation –> That it is not how many people that are mobilized into “ministry” that measures success. The goal is to teach people that all of life comes under the Lordship of Christ.

    “Life Work” is sacred and beautiful to God.


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