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Since 1999, DNA partners from all over the world have gathered about every two years to renew their vision for their work, to share how the biblical worldview plays out in their various ministries, and to build new partnerships for even greater impact.

This year, the DNA Global Forum was a milestone. For the first time, it was hosted in Latin America, and two new countries declared themselves as local DNA networks: Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic!

The Forum, in mid-March, was hosted by the newly formed DNA-Brazil network. More than 60 delegates from 16 countries spent six days at a retreat center operated by Igreja Batista da Lagoinha, a 51,000-member church in the city of Belo Horizonte. Many leaders and members of the church participated in the Forum, the topic of which was “Possessing the Kingdom: A Call to Truth and Love.”

Here are some reflections on the week by John and Kate, long-time partners of the DNA serving in South Asia:

[vimeo w=500&h=375]

John and Kate on the DNA Global Forum 2013 from Disciple Nations Alliance on Vimeo.

Below are a few photos from the week. Click here to see many more! Over the next few months, we’ll feature stories on many of these people and the work God is doing through them. Subscribe to our e-newsletter to stay informed!

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5 Responses

  1. It was an awesome experience being in DNA
    forum in Brazil.The flow of the Holy Spirit during our fasting time was overwhelming and when I returned to Puerto Rico my husband told what had happened to me in Brazil! He started to see changes in me and when I testified to him he was amazed.Today I shared with our leaders Hein theme Possesing the Kingdom : A call to thuth and love using his power point,what an experience!See you all soon!!

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