As human beings, we possess the right to life and liberty as gifts from God. To their everlasting credit, the U.S. Founding Fathers acknowledged this powerful biblical truth in the Declaration of Independence. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” The United States of America is at its best when it is true to its founding creed.
Today, we, the leadership of the Disciple Nations Alliance, rejoice that the United States Supreme Court has overturned the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that wrongfully made abortion constitutionally protected up to the point of birth and beyond. This disastrous ruling was in direct conflict with both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and legalized the slaughter of more than 63 million precious unborn human beings made in God’s image. It was arguably the greatest injustice in American history.
Just as with slavery, which was also in direct conflict with the Declaration and the Constitution, either slavery had to be abolished, or the Declaration and Constitution would be meaningless. So it was with Roe v. Wade. Either this lawless ruling had to be overturned, or the Declaration and Constitution would effectively be overturned.
We praise God that in both cases, the Declaration and the Constitution were affirmed. Slavery was abolished in 1865, and on this historic day, June 24, 2022, Roe v. Wade, and a subsequent case that affirmed Roe, Planned Parenthood v. Casey were overturned. In the words of Justice Samuel Alito in the majority opinion, “The Constitution does not confer a right to abortion; Roe and Casey are overruled.”
We praise God for his mercy on the United States and praise the courage of the six justices who voted to overturn Roe, Chief Justice John Roberts, Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanagh, and Amy Coney Barrett. We praise God for the tireless work of so many in the Right to Life movement, who have worked, prayed, and fought for decades to see this day come.
Now, in the words of Samuel Alito, “the authority to regulate abortion is returned to the people and their elected representatives.” There is much work that remains to be done. Our goal must be to make abortion as morally unacceptable as slavery is today in the minds of our fellow citizens. To this end, we pray for a great movement of God’s Spirit in our land, and in the nations of the world, and a turning back to God in humble obedience and gratitude.
3 Responses
I know, this article is a few months old, but this is something that’s been dwelling in my mind recently. One thing I keep noticing is how pregnancy is interpreted as a disease. Not just something uncomfortable, we’re talking “listing terrifying symptoms” here. It’s something that genuinely bothers me.
We read the Biblical account about King Manasseh and see that It is possible to see a change. That does not cancel, however, God’s judgement concerning the murdering of millions of babies. May God be merciful to the Nation.
Hi Ana, thank you for taking the time to comment on our post. We join you in giving thanks for this change and praying for more in America to know Christ and be discipled to think rightly about the value, dignity, miracle, and gift of human life.