What does it mean to be human? What is our purpose? Where did we come from?

How we answer those questions has an incredible impact not only on our personal experiences, but on the societies that we build. The worldviews in focus are the worldviews of the Bible, materialism, pantheism, animism, and the worldview of Islam. Consider more about how these worldviews guide a person or culture’s thinking in the following areas:

  1. Our Relationship to Ultimate Reality
    • What defines ultimate reality?
    • What determines what is moral, good and bad, right or wrong? What are the rules to live by? Who decides?
    • Why is there suffering and evil? How should we respond?
  2. Our Relationship to Self and to One Another
    • What does it mean to be human?
    • Why do we exist? Why are we here?
  3. Our Relationship to the Physical World
    • What is our place? What is our role?


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