LifeWork endorsements

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I’d like every student to read Darrow Miller’s chapters on worldviews at work and the need to battle dualism and the sacred-secular dichotomy. He brilliantly shows how to live and work before God and why it’s so important to grasp the biblical theology of vocation. His summary of the Bible’s essential metanarrative is pitch-perfect, and his application of that to cultural pursuits is exactly what those who waver need to hear.

Marvin Olasky
Provost, The King’s College, New York City
Editor-in-chief, World

Having worked among the poorest of the poor, Darrow Miller has credibility when he writes about the sources of poverty. With his characteristic thoroughness and gentleness, he builds a case for the worldview basis of work and wealth creation.

Nancy Pearcey
Author of Total Truth and coauthor of How Now Shall We Live?

It has been a privilege to glean from Darrow Miller’s LifeWork.  It is thoughtful, comprehensive and practically relevant to one of the most important topics of our age – how to focus our lives and work toward the advance of God’s kingdom. I wish I had known a fraction of what Miller imparts when I launched my business career decades ago!

John D. Beckett
Chairman, The Beckett Companies
Author of Loving Monday and Mastering Monday

LifeWork provides the essentials for transforming nations. In this book you will discover tools for renewing the culture of your cities and nations. LifeWork contains the fundamentals for the fulfillment of Jesus’ prayer for God’s kingdom to come and his will to be done on earth.

Luis Bush
International Facilitator, Transform World Connections

We envision the church joined together in every community around the world effectively living out and proclaiming the good news of Jesus. These allied churches seek transformation, holiness and justice for individuals, families, communities, peoples and nations. Such a vision requires a significant shift in the worldview of Christians around the world. Darrow Mliler’s book, LifeWorkarticulates such a worldview. It will be a great tool in helping shape the minds, hearts and strategies of our global community.

Dr. Geoff Tunnicliffe
International Director/CEO, World Evangelical Alliance 

Finally here is a book that captures the foundational teaching on worldview that Darrow Miller has shared so effectively across the globe with Christian leaders for many years. The fruit of his work can be seen from the foothills of Nepal to the plains of West Africa, where Christians have been enabled to move beyond the church building to impact their communities because of what they learned and then applied.

Jane Overstreet
President/CEO, Development Associates International

God is clearly speaking to the Body of Christ globally regarding the task of discipling our communities and serving God 24/7 in every area of our lives. Of those God has called to be forerunners, few speak with more authority and experience than Darrow Miller. For decades he has sought God and served the tribes and nations with this message. Anyone with a serious interest in the rediscovery process of the biblical message for nations will want to add this book to his or her reading list.

Landa L. Cope
Executive Director, The Template Institute
Author of The Old Testament Template

Against the narrow, individualistic conception of the gospel that unfortunately gets preached in many evangelical churches, Miller offers the biblically accurate—and exhilarating—description of the gospel of the kingdom. Miller paints a picture of how to connect all of our life and work now to our glorious future on the New Earth. LifeWork enlarges vision and passion for taking up our high calling of culture making, joining King Jesus on his mission of healing our broken planet.

Amy L. Sherman
Director, Center on Faith in Communities
Senior Fellow, Sagamore Institute for Policy Research

My teaching colleague Darrow Miller has a gift. That gift is to take a complex problem, define it in comprehendible prose, and then inspire those who read to do their part in their world. LifeWork is a call to action for every serious disciple.

Bob Moffitt
President, The Harvest Foundation

Darrow Miller explains that Christ will become the Lord of all when all his followers bring all of their lives under his Lordship.

Vishal Mangalwadi
Author of
 Truth & Transformation: A Manifesto For Ailing Nations

Darrow’s book truly deserves classic status. I hope it becomes the “standard” in the field. No other book integrates the biblical worldview with the topic of work in as much depth, breadth and balance.

Dr. Christian Overman
Founding Director, Worldview Matters

For too long Christians have constructed and maintained a wall of separation between the secular and the sacred. That mythical divide has resulted in a failure of many to live a life grounded in the reality that we are all in “full time ministry.” The effect of that barrier is the absence of the joy and satisfaction we will experience when we follow the biblical command to “glorify God in all we do.” This book takes a jackhammer to that wall.

Tom Shrader
Founder, Priority Living of Arizona
Teaching Pastor, East Valley Bible Church (Gilbert, Arizona)

What a book! I am convinced the way our culture is going to encounter the gospel is by individual Christians understanding and living out every aspect of their lives before the face of God as an act of worship. Darrow Miller has created an invaluable resource in helping us understand and apply the gospel to all areas of life.

Tyler Johnson
Director, Surge School for Transformational Leadership

Darrow Miller integrates God’s kingdom vision with essential realities and demands of the kingdom like no one else I know. Be forewarned! As you pick this book up and read it, you just might find yourself both convicted and compelled to live accordingly with an authentic, kingdom kind of life. But why would anyone settle for less?

Phil Arendt
Director of Ministry Development, Partners International

Darrow Miller’s work on worldviews is more complete and practical than any I have seen. It deserves serious study and implementation by those desiring to reposition their work and businesses for the purpose of establishing God’s kingdom. A helpful reference for pastors and ministry leaders alike, this book will be invaluable in their effort to build up believers to be effective and fruitful . . . wherever they go to work. Beneath the text of Darrow’s writing lies a big heart to father many who will help disciple
nations. I have the privilege of seeing him at work in both Asia and Africa.

Seelok Ting
Consultant Facilitator, Growing Change Agents for the Workplace, Malaysia

Darrow Miller has an exceptionally clear and biblical understanding of God and man, creation and culture, church and society and how these should all relate to each other in a biblical worldview. He understands that men and women, made in the image of God, are intended to be designers, builders, cultivators, nurturers, administrators, teachers, artists, musicians, and communicators. Christian ministry isn’t just in the church—it is in life!

Larry G. Sears
U.S. Forest Service Ranger (Retired) and Consulting Forester

Darrow Miller speaks a prophetic message. Rather than focusing on the symptoms of unhealthy culture, Darrow takes his readers to the cause. He challenges the assumptions of today and invites us to look deeply at the foundational principles God has given to ensure true wellness in all of life. The invitation is to be fully engaged in all of culture as ambassadors of the Living God.

David Collins
Founder, Paradigm Ministries

The wonderful yet critical backdrop to this book is that both the author and the words have been “field tested” over decades. For those seeking keys to applying the gospel of the kingdom to all of life as opposed to within the four walls of a church building, you will be equipped to do so. This book’s concepts and applications are indispensable to true followers of Christ.

Mark R. Spengler
Executive Director, Center for Law and Social Strategy, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii

LifeWork convicts us of dualistic thinking and behavior yet also encourages us by providing a practical framework to apply correct biblical thinking to all of life, work included. Christian businesspeople of all disciplines can see how their work and Christian lives can be reconnected and lead to more personal fulfillment while helping to advance God’s kingdom. Skills and experiences gained in a life of work are part of a lifework that knits our lives and work as one to fit God’s purposes instead of separating them into distinct sacred vs. secular realms. What liberation results when we understand the eternal value our seemingly secular work can contribute to God’s plan!

John Bottimore
International Aerospace Sales Executive

The comprehension that work is a vocation to be performed for the glory of God and service of man gave me the strong foundation for my development work among poor communities of Brazil. Personally, it’s a freeing experience to understand work as a high calling, based in who God is as a worker, and perform it as an act of worship. On a community level, Darrow’s teaching in this area is the base for true and lasting development.

Mauricio J. Cunha
Center of Integral Assistance & Development (CADI), Brazil

LifeWork is full of compelling truth, touching experiences, and compassionate calling to manifest the kingdom of God in all spheres of living. Reading it throughout or just diving into some chapters is an opportunity to review our work and life agenda with an inspiring biblical perspective, connecting our story to His Story in a practical and redemptive way.

Roberto Rinaldi Jr.
Owner, ProBusiness Consulting Services, Brazil

Darrow’s book brings hope to the nations, equipping the church with practical knowledge of how the Bible speaks into every sector of culture and society. As a development practitioner working in Central Asia, I have personally witnessed how teaching, understanding, and implementing the biblical worldview impacted our program activities. It inspired and transformed church leaders and laypeople alike. It empowered the body of believers to move outside the local church to bring hope and healing to their
community and nation. I have known Darrow and worked with him in Central Asia over the past decade. This book is the culmination of years of success in catalyzing transformation.

Robert C. Hedlund
President and Founder, Joint Development Associates International, Inc.

LifeWork will challenge your worldview of what we should do on earth till Jesus comes. This book makes you stand up taller and live more purposefully to achieve the maximum potential you can for your  spouse, children, parents, societies, and God. LifeWork describes faith and action as complementing each other. When they go together, they make you live enthusiastically (enthusefrom en-Theos, or God in you). Get and read this book again and again, and start transforming your society and making changes to this beautiful and abundant world.

Andy Budi Janto Sutedja
President Director, PT Success Motivation Institute, Indonesia
Representative, Discipling Nations Alliance, Indonesia

LifeWork is a breath of fresh air—a reminder and renewal of the true vision of what Christians are called to do here in this life. . . . This book reflects Darrow’s long commitment to the gospel as it guides us in very real and powerful ways to what Jesus meant when he told us to “occupy until I come.”

Hank Giesecke
President, Reach Out Ministries

Three elements are striking in Darrow Miller: his energy, his passion, and his love for Christ and people. He is a man who practices what he preaches, seizing every opportunity—over lunch or as he walks—to lead others closer to the Redeemer and to inspire them to glorify the Lord in every aspect of their lives. God be praised for raising such a man for a time such as this.

Fernando Guarany Jr.
ESL Teacher and Translator, Instituto de Educação Cristã Imago Dei

Secular dust storms have badly damaged our spiritual eyes. They have blinded us so that we believe status seeking is compatible with seeking the kingdom of God. We delight in all we own and marginalize what the Lord owns. Many of us maintain we love the Lord while we treat others with contempt. These dust storms have darkened our eyesight so we no longer see biblical moral and ethical standards as radically different than Hollywood’s. Darrow Miller’s book enables us to have our spiritual cataracts
replaced with biblical worldview lenses so we can clearly see the good news of the gospel.

John DeHaan
Executive Director, Association of Evangelical Relief and Development
Organizations, 1998–2006

I have known Darrow since 1998 and have used his materials on worldview and development in my teaching. . . . His book Discipling Nations is required reading in my classes. Darrow has that unique gift of discussing and writing about his topics in a way that’s challenging, transforming, and life-changing to his listeners and readers. I myself am one of the many who have been influenced and transformed by his writings and speaking. All pastors and Christian leaders, as well as those in the academe, should make sure that they read his books, especially his latest, LifeWork.

Reynaldo S. Taniajura
Faculty, International Graduate School of Leadership and
Asian School of Development and Cross-Cultural Studies

God’s dream is “global transformation,” and it will become reality when the walls of the church collapse and old paradigms are demolished. The day of the saints is coming when all believers are equipped to release the kingdom every day and everywhere. This Ezekiel 37 army will trigger transformation in every aspect of culture. If you want to be part of God’s dream, you must read Darrow Miller’s LifeWork.

Dave Gustaveson
Director, YWAM Los Angeles and Global Target Network


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