Excellent biblical-worldview curriculum for youth and adults

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If you enjoyed Pastor Hector Pardo’s presentation on the kingdom of God, check out this curriculum designed to teach the very same ideas. Developed by our friends at Chrysalis International, this can be used with youth or adults!

Be My Witnesses

be my witnessesThis Christian history unit centers on the call of 1st century disciples to be witnesses for Jesus Christ. It highlights the history of the early Church beginning with the three cultures awaiting the Messiah— Greek, Roman and Jewish—through readings, Power Points, the book of Acts, and the study of the New Testament “One Anothers.” The curriculum includes life as a Christian in the 1st century and challenges youth to reflect on their 21st century calling as Christ’s disciples. There are 24 enriched history lesson plans with 13 beautiful coloring pages, Roman Empire map, graphic organizers, vocabulary cards, 8 arts and crafts lesson plans, and the culminating Agape Feast.

Available in English, Spanish and Portuguese.

$29.95 USD Click here to order!

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