Bob Moffitt Addresses National Cell Church Conference in Malaysia

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On June 10-12, DNA co-founder Bob Moffitt addressed a national cell church conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.  Bob writes:

DNA Co-Founder Bob Moffitt

“I led a seven-session workshop on wholistic ministry. The focus of the workshop was on the theology and practice of mobilizing every member of the participating church’s cell groups for incarnational living. The conference organizers printed 1,000 copies of If Jesus Were Mayor so that every conference participant would have a copy.

“There were consistently 70-80 participants in the seven sessions. I have since heard from the organizers that the attendees evaluated the workshop very highly. My prayer now is that these leaders will return to their respective small groups and begin to implement what they learned.

“A highlight for me on this assignment was hosting an Indian evangelist named Johnson. He had read my book, If Jesus Were Mayor, and wanted to be mentored to disciple his people in the concepts he had read there. I invited him to join me for this conference to learn more and to get personally acquainted.  We roomed together and had wonderful times of fellowship.  He has a passion for reaching India. His strategy has been crusades for thousands of people. He told me that many who attend these crusades have raised their hands indicating a desire to believe in Jesus, but he has observed that the long-term fruit of these events is what he describes as “very small.” He told me that he had been able to find only about 1% of those who had indicated a desire to follow Jesus remaining faithful. He is becoming increasingly convinced that the crusade method of evangelism – by itself – is not effective in reaching his people with the transforming message of the Gospel. After reading my book he felt that the strategy of discipling believers to live out the Gospel in all aspects of their lives would be a more effective way to advance the Kingdom. I encouraged him to return to India, meet and learn from some of our team in that area of the world, and then to implement what he was beginning to learn.  I am looking forward to walking further with this brother.”

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One Response

  1. You make some good points. I guess it depends on your standpoint. – If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it away from him. An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest. – Benjamin Franklin 1706 – 1790

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