Podcast Episodes

Each episode page includes an audio link, overview, key quotes, and recommended resources!

AfricaBiblical Worldview

Moving Beyond Postcolonialism to Consider the Foundation of Healthy Cultures with Lennox Kalifungwa

Postcolonialism is a hot topic these days as many groups are eager to divide us up into oppressors and the oppressed–but do these categories help? Young and influential Zambian writer and speaker Lennox Kalifungwa says that there is much more to be considered than ethnicity, culture, and nationality. If we want true freedom and flourishing as individuals and societies, we need to promote truth, beauty, and goodness, looking beyond worldly categories that perpetuate brokenness and victimhood. There is no short-changing the effort it takes to move beyond the syncretism that is found in churches around the world. Join us as we discuss these important topics together.

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Biblical WorldviewChristian Education

Does School Still Make Us Think? with Dr. Elizabeth Youmans

Do you want to see lives and nations thrive and flourish? If so, changing the way we think about education and changing the way we educate is essential. Education forms and transforms our thinking, character, and decision-making. This influences us individually, within our families, and even in our societies. It’s not enough to put a veneer of Christianity over our secular approaches to education, we must help students discover truth in their learning. Don’t miss this eye-opening episode with lifelong educator Dr. Elizabeth Youmans, the developer of The AMO Program and the Founder and President of Chrysalis International.

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Biblical Worldviewcourage

How should Christians respond to the times we live in?

Today, Christ is not only ignored and rejected, but now He is becoming the target of malice. How do Christians respond to the times we live in? In this episode, Scott, Darrow, Luke, and Dwight explore where Christianity is today in the West and explore the need for a forgotten symbol of Christ to engage with the growing evil in the world. We all know Jesus as the gentle lamb, but when was the last time we envisioned Christ as the Lion of Judah? We live in an increasingly post-Christian world–a world that actively celebrates evil and is antagonistic to the Christian faith. So again, how do we respond? Certainly not fearful, hopeless, or in denial of the times. Explore with us a biblical paradigm that calls us to courage, wisdom, and loving defiance.

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Biblical WorldviewCulture

Should we Christianize culture? with Dr. Wayne Grudem

How should a biblical worldview inform our cultural engagement in this time of social crisis? Today’s honored guest, Dr. Wayne Grudem, is Research Professor of Theology and Biblical Studies at Phoenix Seminary and author of more than 20 books, including Systematic Theology. Join us as we hear Dr. Wayne Grudem’s heart for today’s world. Our discussion covers everything from the recent attack on Israel, the 2024 election, a theology of work, politics in the pulpit, and the question of whether Christians should move from one state to another due to political alignment. How can and should Christians practically engage in the areas God has placed us at this time in history? There are obvious pitfalls to avoid when engaging in our cultures, but we often overcompensate in avoidance and neglect our call to influence culture. We hope you enjoy this practical, raw, honest episode as much as we did.

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Biblical Worldviewcomplementarian

What would a Christian Sexual Revolution look like?

What happens when we ignore God’s design for gender and family? Today, we’re positioning ourselves at the crux of this question, grappling with the implications of a society straying from the divine image of male and female. Darrow Miller joins us as we take a hard look at the consequences of rejecting this design, which includes the disruption of family units, distorted perceptions of marriage, and the ripple effects of the feminist movements on societal norms. Today, we get an idea of why he wrote his new book and what you can expect as a reader. This book goes beyond a mere critique of feminism but really takes a proactive approach as Darrow seeks to offer a vision for God’s design for each of us–a vision that promotes unity and beauty among the sexes, in families, and even on the individual level.

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Biblical WorldviewChurch

Understand and Embrace a Biblical Worldview with Dr. Jeff Myers

This episode peels back the layers of postmodern thinking, its impact on faith, self-perception, and the role of Summit Ministries in shaping young minds to champion Biblical truth. During the conversation, we challenge misconceptions surrounding worldview, biblical justice, truth, and societal transformation. Join us and Dr. Jeff Myers, president of Summit Ministries, on this enlightening journey to understand and embrace a Biblical worldview.

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Gender Unity and Diversity with Lisa and Nelson Monteiro

In his forthcoming book, “The Grand Design,” Darrow Miller explains how as image bearers of God, both male and female are equal in value and dignity, while also beautifully designed with unique roles and functions. Today we are joined by our good friends Lisa and Nelson Monteiro, who have both played integral roles in The Grand Design course and book creation. Because the Monteiros have lived in both Brazil and Canada, they have a unique perspective on the way cultural views of men and women can be helpful or damaging. You’ll hear about the tears, conversations, and behind-the-scenes stories that led to the creation of The Grand Design book and course. Join us as we explore the transformative power of truth and the unique challenges and opportunities of ministry in cultures rooted in sexism or feminism.

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The Grand Design with Darrow Miller

Darrow Miller’s newest book, “The Grand Design: Rediscovering Male and Female in the Image of God,” will be out in two weeks. Explore with us what it means to be transcendently and biologically human, male and female, made in the image of God. The Grand Design captures and restores a vision for what God has imagined for the human family, in all of its beauty.

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Critical Race Theorycritical theory

Stand: Christianity vs. Social Justice with Jon Benzinger

Critical race theory and cultural Marxism dominate education, big business, media, and our societal discourse, but why and how has it also infiltrated the Church? Join us as we grapple with the onslaught of critical theory and social justice ideologies that we see in many churches with Jon Benzinger who is a friend, pastor, and author of Stand: Christianity vs. Social Justice. Even though the BLM riots of 2020 are behind us, the Neo-Marxist worldview driving the new social justice movement has not slowed. This worldview is the toxic new religion of our time and brings with it a catastrophic history. If and when its rapid growth takes root in churches, it will bring about their demise. This episode underscores the Christian’s vital need to amalgamate truth and love in the face of these advancing lies.

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Confronting Disunity: The Road Less Traveled Towards Unity and Truth

Over the past two decades, Disciple Nations Alliance has brought together groups from various nations, cultures, denominations, languages, and traditions and watched as God brings unity to diverse people through a biblical worldview. While the world needs to see a unified Church under the lordship of Christ, it often sees the church bickering and divided instead. Our cultural climate is full of ideological differences, reactivity, and societal fractures. Let’s not be of the world. Let’s discover together how we can take the road less traveled and focus on God’s path of truth and love toward unity. Join us in this thought-provoking conversation, and let’s navigate these divisive times together.

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ChildrenChristian Education

Principles to Rethink Education

As many are realizing, the education system is not teaching a neutral worldview because there’s no such thing as a neutral worldview. Instead, most students today are being discipled in an atheistic, secular, materialistic ideology that directly opposes the Bible. When is it time for us to stop playing into this false education and reexamine God’s design for learning and instruction? What core principles for education can we discern from the Bible that can help us approach every area of study? What is God’s view of math, science, history, and art?

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Christian Educationeducation

Don’t Let Schooling Stand in the Way of Education with Christian Overman and Darrow Miller

Most of us have received twelve or more years of “education.” But what is the purpose of education? And is there a difference between schooling and education? We have found that education is more closely related to discipleship than schooling. Join Darrow Miller and guest Christian Overman as they unpack their book, “Don’t Let Schooling Stand in the Way of Education: A Biblical Response to the Crisis in Public Education.” Crisis is not hyperbolic, and as the church, we urgently need to understand the theology of education.

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Meet the Hosts

Scott Allen

Scott Allen


Scott Allen serves as president of the DNA secretariat office. After serving with Food for the Hungry for 19 years in both the United States and Japan, working in the areas of human resources, staff training and program management, he teamed up with Darrow Miller and Bob Moffitt to launch the DNA in 2008.

Darrow Miller

Darrow Miller


Darrow Miller is a world-renowned author and teacher on Christianity and culture, apologetics, worldview, poverty, and the dignity of women. In 1981, he began 27 years at Food for the Hungry, serving there as vice president from 1994 to 2007 until he helped launch the DNA in 2008. 

Dwight Vogt

Dwight Vogt

Vice President

Dwight Vogt serves as the vice president of international programs. Before coming to the DNA, he worked for 27 years at Food for the Hungry, including field-based leadership roles in Bangladesh, Peru, Thailand and Guatemala.

Luke Allen

Social Media Manager

Luke Allen serves as the marketing manager of communications. He works with strategy, social media, and graphics. He is newly wed, newly grad, and native of Phoenix.  

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