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December 12, 2008

It’s been an exciting year at the DNA, and we have so much to thank God for!  Click here to view our Year End Report for 2008.


October 6, 2008

The most recent edition of the Disciple Nations Alliance Global Newsletter is now available!  Click here to view the newsletter!

Some headlines in this quarter’s edition include:

  • Overcoming Obstacles and Affecting Change in Peru
  • Announcements and Prayer Calendar
  • The Shining Light of Cambodia
  • Seeds of Hope and Change Across Asia
  • Vision Conference Materials Overhaul Complete!

 . . . and more!

If you are a part of the DNA movement in your community, please send stories of transformation to Tim Williams.


May 12, 2008

Nurturing the NationsPaternoster Publishing (a division of Authentic Media) announced the release of Darrow L. Miller’s latest book Nurturing the Nations: Reclaiming the Dignity of Women in Building Healthy Cultures. According to Miller, “The book addresses one of the greatest causes of poverty worldwide: the lie that men are superior to women. “Our world is filled with nations that are impoverished largely because half of their people–the female population–are disenfranchised.”

But this is not just a book about women; it is a book that deals with the intersection of three seemingly very different subjects: women, poverty and worldview.  Nurturing the Nations explains how the ideas that societies embrace create healthy or impoverished cultures and supports this theory with information regarding domestic violence, murder and pornography.

With Nurturing the Nations, Miller teams up again with Stan Guthrie, author and senior associate editor with Christianity Today magazine and co-author of Darrow’s first major book release Discipling Nations: The Power of Truth to Transform Culture.

Nurturing the Nations explores the role of worldview in shaping culture by examining various paradigms, such as Hinduism and Animism, showing how they lead to the abuse and hatred of women. It then moves to an exploration of the biblical worldview, and specifically the Trinity as a model for male-female relationships. Servanthood, submission, and the transcendence of sexuality are all discussed based on the biblical idea that male and female are created equal in being, yet different in function. The book concludes with a look at the history of women in the Old and New Testament–how they functioned as co-laborers with men in the development of creation, and the liberating challenge Jesus issued to the sexist culture of His day.

Nurturing the Nations is available at the DNA online store. A companion seminar is also available.


April 7, 2008

Vision Conference DVD The Disciple Nations Alliance announced today the release of a new five-disk DVD set of an entire Vision Conference. The Vision Conference is the “flagship” seminar of the Disciple Nations Alliance.

The five DVD disks contain more than 20 hours of teaching focused around the power of biblical truth for cultural transformation, the strategic role of the church in society, and practical application tools (Disciplines of Love, Seed Projects) designed to help Christians practice a wholistic, incarnational ministry in their own families, neighborhoods and communities.

The DVD was filmed live in San Juan, Puerto Rico in March 2007.

For more on the Vision Conference, click here.

For more on Darrow Miller, click here.

For more on Bob Moffitt, click here.

To purchase the Vision Conference DVD, visit our online store.


March 31, 2008

From March 11-13, 2008 a group of 17 national and regional leaders of the Disciple Nations Alliance met in Hong Kong to discuss the future of the global DNA movement. The meeting, hosted by Ben Wong and the Cell Church Missions Network, was convened by Scott Allen, Darrow Miller and Bob Moffitt, to address the question of global leadership in the wake of changes at the U.S. office.

“Over the past ten years, the office in Phoenix has served as a kind of global coordination center for the DNA” said Scott. “However, now that the DNA has grown into a global movement, its leadership needs to reflect both its diversity as well as leverage the talent and experience that God has raised up a the national and regional level.”

DNA Leadership Team Meeting ParticipantsAttending the meeting were Chris Ampadu, Dennis Tongoi, Hein VanWyk, Anna Ho, Eisuke Kanda, Raaj Mondol, David Sir, Paul Sohn, Ben Wong, Cleiton Oliveira, David Collins, Darrow Miller, Bob Moffitt, Jeffrey Houser and Scott Allen. Eisuke Kanda’s new associate Shun Jinnai also joined, as did Paul Sohn’s new partner Joseph Min.

Dennis Tongoi, leader of Samaritan Strategy Africa, faciliated the meeting. The participants reviewed the first 10 years of DNA’s history, then prayerfully explored the following questions: What do we believe God wants us to do going forward? Is there continued need for global leadership and coordination, and if so, in what form? What will happen with the DNA Forum? The overwhelming consensus was, in the words of one meeting participant, “The DNA is not the DNA unless it is together!” Those gathered agreed that a global leadership team was needed to carry out the following functions: Convening the DNA Forum, facilitating communication, gathering and disseminating information and facilitating resource sharing. They further agreed that the new leadership team should be custodians of the vision, “but not policemen.” It should be a coordination center, not a control center or a fundraising office. Further, it should not be a geographic center (i.e. located in Japan, the U.S., etc.)

Global Leadership TeamWhen the question arose as to who should be on the team, after much discussion, it was agreed that DNA co-founders Darrow Miller and Bob Moffitt should automatically be included. A vote was then conducted to elect five other members. Those selected were Ben Wong, Dennis Tongoi, Raaj Mondol, Scott Allen and Hein VanWyk. Cleiton Oliveira, who received several votes, was also added to the team to represent Latin America. All those elected agreed to serve with the exception of Raaj, who, while honored to be selected, said he needed to focus on his family and the launch of a new organization in India.

The leadership team met briefly before the conclusion of the gathering and nominated Hein VanWyk to serve as team leader. The team agreed to meet four times per year–twice by conference call and twice in person. The next face-to-face meeting will occur in Phoenix, Arizona in November. The following priorities were identified by the leadership team for immediate attention: (1) the 2009 Forum, (2) the need to quickly develop and launch a website for the global movement, and (3) the need to begin sending out news bulletins.

Those gathered all felt that the decisions reached were God-ordained and held significant import for the future of the DNA. “It represents a major transition from the U.S. founders to a new group of leaders from around the world, thus cementing the DNA as a truly global movement” said Dennis Tongoi. The U.S. office in Phoenix, Arizona, which recently registered as an independent organization, will go by the name Disciple Nations Alliance, U.S. and will serve as a co-equal support organization of the global movement.

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