Archived stories: January-March 2010

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March 31, 2010

Jan.-Feb. 2010 newsletter available

To view the DNA January-February 2010 Newsletter, click here.


March 1, 2010

Darrow speaks at Supernatural Marketplace Conference in Laguna Niguel, CA

Darrow was the keynote speaker at the annual Supernatural Marketplace Conference at Vineyard Community Church in Laguna Niguel, CA, January 21-23, a conference which focuses on encouraging, equipping and engaging marketplace leaders to strategically advance God’s Kingdom through their vocations.

Darrow spoke at two of the four main sessions and shared in a morning breakout session with about 20 students and alumni of the church’s small ministry school. There were 193 participants, most of them members of the church. They included church staff, students of the ministry school and a few leaders of small development and mission organizations. Attendees included a top real estate executive and business owner, a venture capital investment manager, small business owners, educators, mothers, artists, and writers.

In the opening session the senior pastor interviewed several people involved in marketplace ministry. One testimony mentioned how Darrow’s recent book LifeWork: A Biblical Theology for What You Do Every Day had challenged him to integrate business and ministry in new ways. He shared about how his company was having difficulty paying workers, yet based on the principles in LifeWork the partners decided to give each worker a $2/hour raise, and also began allocating a percentage of their profits towards local church and neighborhood ministries on Chicago’s south side.

Darrow then spoke for nearly two hours on the topic of Lifework. In the ministry school he shared his journey and answered questions. He also preached The Transforming Story at the two Sunday morning services.All the messages were very positively received. Many of the women were impacted by Darrow’s teaching on the role of women in building healthy cultures, and copies of Nurturing the Nations sold out. Most of the women in the ministry school are reading Nurturing the Nations and meeting weekly to discuss it.

Darrow and DNA US board member Bob Evans (who attends Vineyard Community Church) also had several one-on-one meetings around meals, including a wonderful dinner with the president and board member of “Growers First” – a Christian ministry helping to empower various commodity farmers (coffee in particular) by helping them maximize their resources and make a positive impact on their communities. These leaders had been impacted by our small book, The Forest in the Seed. Over $1000 of books were sold at this event.

– Submitted by DNA board member Bob Evans


February 2, 2010

Upcoming events and priorities in 2010

As we launch into 2010, here are a few of the things we’ll be working on:

In February we will officially release a newly revised Bible study titled Servanthood: The Calling of Every Christian by Darrow Miller

We will complete and release a new resource titled Thirteen Transforming Truths which focuses on key elements of a biblical worldview that histically have fostered dramatic social and cultural transformation.

Darrow will continue researching and writing his next book (working title: “The Great Commission”) which will focus on a wholistic understanding of Christ’s Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20) and the urgent need for the church to regain a correct understanding of its mission in light of the threat from militant Islam and postmodernism. The book will be published by YWAM Publishing and is tentatively set for release in 2012.

Together with Vishal Mangalwadi and others, we are exploring an exciting, multi-year project to develop a college-level curriculum in Biblical nation-building to be offered through existing Christian universities online with local churches worldwide serving as extension centers.

The DNA and Chrysalis Int’l are jointly developing a Bible study/resource on the role of families and parenting in discipling nations, which, Lord willing, will be completed and released before year-end.

We are exploring with Churches Together a joint US-Africa church training initiative as a pre-requisite for facilitating church-to-church partnerships.

We plan to facilitate Vision Conferences in Peru in March, and Monday Church/LifeWork workshops in Phoenix (April), Bogota, Colombia (June), Kampala, Uganda (June), Puerto Rico (October), and Joao Pessoa, Brazil (November). We will also faciliate a “Nurturing the Nations” workshop in Guadalajura, Mexico in May.

Darrow will be a featured speaker at the Christian and Missonary Alliance pastors conference in Ecuador (June) and at the Wilberforce Academy’s inagural conference in Minneapolis in September.

Other speaking and teaching events are still being confirmed. We will post updates on progress on these and other activities as the year progresses.


January 27, 2010

Darrow and Scott speak at Covenant Community Church

The Disciple Nations Alliance was invited to speak at the Covenant Community Church annual missions conference, January 9-10 in Scottsdale, Arizona. The theme of the event was “Unleashing the Church to Change the World.” Darrow spoke on The Power of Story and The Transforming Story, while Scott spoke on God’s Remarkable Plan for the Nations and Hope for Africa. Covenant Community has approximately 300 regular attenders and has a very active local and international missions focus. The Covenant Community missions team leader, Eric Tooker, expressed a strong interest in developing an ongoing relationship with the Disciple Nations Alliance, and we are excited to see what the Lord may have in store as we walk together in the months ahead!

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