Announcing a new partnership with PovertyCure

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We are so excited about our new partnership with PovertyCure, a new initiative that champions the creative potential of the person and seeks to unleash the entrepreneurial spirit that fills the developing world.


The core values and principles of the DNA are closely intertwined with those of PovertyCure. One common value is the dignity and God-given potential of all humans, even children born into the poorest of societies.

We often ask, “What causes poverty?” But the real question is, “What causes wealth?”

PovertyCure seeks to shift the emphasis:

  • From aid to enterprise
  • From poverty alleviation to wealth creation
  • From paternalism to partnerships

PovertyCure is about re-thinking our assumptions. We are an international network of individuals and more than 100 organizations committed to a vision that recognizes the dignity and capacity of people to create value and prosperity for their families and communities.

Check out PovertyCure’s Voices section, which features short videos of entrepreneurs, political and religious leaders, and development experts like Paul Collier, Marcela Escobari, Michael Fairbanks, Hernando de Soto, and George Ayittey.

Visit the blog, and contribute to the discussion on Facebook and Twitter!

We’ve joined the PovertyCure network to help champion these ideas, and we encourage your organization, church, or non-profit to do the same!

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Jon Davis Jr.
11 years ago

That is encouraging. I’ve been following the Poverty Cure website for a while. I love their short videos that explain their ideas well.

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