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It started when David Roberts read LifeWork: A Biblical Theology for What You Do Every Day.

David, a missionary with Evangelical Mission Ministries based in Pharr, Texas, has distributed books in Mexico for 22 years, including some of Darrow Miller’s titles. David is also involved with a Christian school. Given that, he picked up on a name in Darrow’s book.

“I read about Elizabeth Youmans from LifeWork, a book that impacted me much,” David said. “We had been involved with our Christian school for 15 years, but felt we needed to improve the Christian philosophy behind our education.”

David contacted Elizabeth and eventually corresponded with Rick Lane, an AMO board member who is deeply involved in Christian education in Mexico. (AMO is a principle-based curriculum for children published by Chrysalis International, Inc. Go here to read more about this outstanding program.)

When Rick learned about David’s interest, he was happy to do whatever he could to accommodate David’s desire to bring training to his school. David was “well prepared to receive AMO training,” Rick said.

To David’s delight, Elizabeth and Rick modified their schedule of training sessions, moving the session scheduled for Ciudad Acuña to Aguascalientes, David’s city of over 800,000 in population in the center of Mexico.

Chrysalis sent trainers Jacqi Gough and Cristina Inchaustegui to give the course, entitled “The Rudiments of Christian Education.” Among the topics discussed were: the Biblical view of the child, educating the heart not just the mind, the AMO program, and Wellspring of Wonders.

Thirty- seven people attended, representing four Christian schools, two orphanages, a seminary, a church denomination and several individual churches. 

“I believe that all were impressed with the difference between a truly Christian education and the typical government planned education,” David reports.

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