A Kairos Moment in Egypt

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Work is underway on a potentially historic national Vision Conference in Egypt, co-sponsored by the Coptic, Evangelical, and Episcopal churches.

Stephen Langa, a member of Samaritan Strategy Africa who has worked to establish indigenous training teams in Sudan, traveled to Cairo last December and again in February to meet with key church leaders and cast the vision for a national Vision Conference.

Rev. Dr. Sameh Maurice, Senior Pastor of Kasr El Dobar in center, blue shirt

In February, Langa met with Reverend Dr. Sameh Maurice, Senior Pastor of Kasr El Dobara Church, the largest church in the Arab-speaking world, as well as Father Andrew of the Coptic Church. Both were enthusiastic about Stephen’s vision-casting presentation, and unanimously agreed that a Vison Conference should be conducted that would bring together the Body of Christ in Egypt. They advised that such an event should be led by the Coptic Church, which accounts for over 90% of the Christian Community in Egypt. Dr. Sameh made a commitment on behalf of Kasr El Dobara Church to participate in a Vision Conference convened by the Coptic Church. He stressed that such a teaching is greatly needed in Egypt at this time. He then helped to secure a meeting between Langa and Bishop Thomas, an influential and highly respected leader in the Coptic Church.

Stephen and Bishop Thomas met two days later. After hearing Langa’s presentation, he also agreed in principle to lead the effort to mobilize the various churches together to conduct a Vision Conference.

Bishop Thomas and Stephen Langa
Bishop Thomas and Stephen Langa

Please pray that God will work through these efforts to give birth to this important event. In his conversations with key church leaders in Egypt, Stephen sensed a hunger to see the whole nation transformed. Leaders are looking for practical ways to effectively engage the broader community in an Islamic context to bring national transformation.

“This is a kairos moment for the church in Egypt,” Stephen said, “to incarnate and champion Kingdom values and principles.”

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[…] is an important prayer request from Stephen Langa, our partner in North and East […]

12 years ago

Vision conference is truly transformational

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