God’s Word sparks a new vision for ministry in Kenya

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Martha Ritchie, a missionary with World Gospel Mission, has lived in Kenya about two years. After completing the 12-week Coram Deo Basics course with three Kenyan friends in just three weeks’ time, she hosted a Samaritan Strategy Vision Conference and had their understanding of wholistic ministry further turned upside down.

Martha (right) and her Kenyan friend Millicent (left, next to her husband, Pastor Garama) had struggled with how to minister to the whole person, a concept that became clearer as they absorbed DNA and Samaritan Strategy teachings.

“As Millicent and I looked for the missing puzzle piece, we found purpose in seeing things from God’s perspective,” Martha says.

Fifty leaders from about 20 different churches attended the conference.

Martha describes the leaders’ reactions after hearing from the trainers (pastors who work with CMS Africa) about the many ways God indeed has abundantly blessed Africa.

“One person said, ‘I am shocked by what we are sitting on. We are like an elephant with a big head who digs in the dirt with his trunk.’

“I could go on and on, and tell you all of it, but let me say that in the end, the people had hope. They had vision that THEY could change. One man reported that he cooked an egg for his wife for the first time ever. She said, ‘Surely the spirit of God is at work.’ They were inspired to change themselves and the church.”

Click here to read Martha’s full account–a true testimony to the power of God’s Word!

“For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” Heb. 4:12


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