Vision of Community Fellowship’s “Change Myself First!” approach

From the VOCF (Vision of Community Fellowship)

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VOCF a long-term DNA Affiliate Organization
based primarily in Asia

Change Myself First!

For most people, the thought of changing their nation is overwhelming. Even one’s city is overwhelming. What is not overwhelming is: Change Myself First! Change My Family First! Change My Neighborhood First! If your community is dirty and run-down, be the first to paint your house. If people are not working, be a model of hard work. If people are isolated from one another, start with your neighbors. With a Change Myself First mindset, the only barrier that can stop you is yourself.

Change Myself First!
Change Now First!
Change Here First!
Change Small Things First!
Change Do-Able Things First!
Change Until the End! (never stop)

Reflection: Who do you expect to change first in your life, family and work?

For the DNA, this connects with the inside-out process of cultural transformation which is the framework for all the teaching, training and equipping we provide to local churches around the world. It starts with regeneration at the individual level and spreads to the family, community, spheres of society, and nation.

Inside Out

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