Don’t Let Schooling Stand in the Way of Education

A Biblical Response to the Crisis in Public Education

With alarming speed, our public schools have dropped any pretense of religious neutrality. As a result, our children are adrift in a sea of relativism. Many are abandoning Christianity, and those who don’t are left with an enfeebled faith that matters only one day a week.

Genuine educational reform will require more than a new curriculum. It will demand an entirely different philosophy of education.

Darrow Miller and a group of outside-the box educational revolutionaries will help you re-discover a compellingly biblical approach. Begin your journey of educational rediscovery in the pages of this book.

What others are saying

“This book so clearly explains what God considers education and the need for godly wisdom, rather than head knowledge. I would sum up the thesis of this book in one sentence: God didn’t call us to prepare our children for Harvard but for Heaven.”  J. Michael Smith  President, HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Association)

“This book is one of the best collections of reasons I know for Christian parents to rethink the purposes and goals of education. Don’t Let Schooling Stand in the Way of Education will continue the restoration of parent-led Christian education.”
Founder, Classical Conversations


“What an important subject! What a team! What a book for this decade of transition, conflict, and destiny!”


Founder, Youth With A Mission
Co-founder, University of the Nation
Co-founder, Global Accreditation Association

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