Forum Registration, New Content, Spanish Book + More

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We have some exciting new resources to share with you coming from our DNA family. We urge you to read about all of them and then pause on the final item as we honor our dear friend and respected colleague, Luis Sena, in his passing.

Global Forum Registration Now Open!

If you are one of the many that have actively engaged with DNA ideas, we want to see you at the upcoming Global Forum in Ethiopia from 17-21 October. This will be like a family gathering of DNA affiliate organizations, local network leaders, trainers and practitioners who will join together in worship, fellowship and the sharing of testimonies. The Forum is by invitation only. Visit to find out all the details, register, or request an invitation.

What is the Church? Is it a building?

This great video is an example of how DNA’s Network Development Coordinator for the Middle East and North Africa is reaching people with social media. Since it was first posted on April 22, it has received 386 likes on Facebook. Turn on the closed captions for this short video (below), which succinctly captures DNA’s teaching about the church. You will be encouraged!

“The mission of the Church, both individually and corporately, is to continue carrying out Jesus’ plan to redeem a broken, suffering world. How has God gifted you where He has placed you, a member of His Body, to reveal His purposes to the world?”

Justice Book Now in Spanish!

In addition to the recently released Portuguese translation, Why Social Justice is Not Biblical Justice: An Urgent Appeal to Fellow Christians in a Time of Social Crisis is now available in Spanish!

New Instagram Promotion

In an effort to influence more young people with transformative biblical worldview content, Kingdomizer Samuel Felix Jr. has been working with Luke Allen on an Instagram project called “Brainwash” that calls on believers to be transformed by the renewing of their minds (Romans 12:2). Impact is already obvious in Portuguese and with a growing English-speaking audience. Use the arrows on the right side of the image to view more of this post! Share it with a young person in your life today!

Weekly Podcast: Ideas Have Consequences

As Christians, our mission is to spread the gospel around the world, to all the nations. But our mission also includes transforming culture to increasingly reflect the truth, goodness, and beauty of God’s Kingdom.

Tragically, the church has largely neglected this “second” part of her mission, and today, Christians have little influence on their surrounding cultures.

Join us as we search for practical ways for each of us to address our cultures’ predominant ideas and their consequences. Let’s create Christ-honoring cultures that reflect the character of the living God. Episodes released every Tuesday!

Subscribe on your favorite podcast platform, and browse our library of over 20 episodes and counting. Available on AppleSpotifyAmazon, and more.

  • Capitalism, Socialism and the Biblical Worldview (S1 E21)
  • No Life = No Human Rights (S1 E20)
  • Hijacked Sexuality (S1 E19)
  • Secularism’s Pseudo Freedom (S1 E18)
  • We Are All Missionaries (S1 E17)
  • Luis Sena: Biblical Worldview Radically Applied….. and many more

Please help us share the show by sending an episode to your friends and family.

Remembering a Great Kingdomizer: Luis Sena

“Our beloved friend and mentor, Luis Sena, died March 22 after fighting cancer. We are very sad. He was our Latin American hero, our teacher, our model, a great man with Christian character, and a true disciple of Christ.”

-Yarley Niño

Luis Sena was a close friend of the DNA since its beginning and one of the most impactful trainers in the Spanish-speaking world. He served the poor in Latin America with a variety of organizations for over 30 years. In his honor, we dedicated our April 12 podcast episode to reflecting on some of his key messages and teachings: “Luis Sena: Biblical Worldview Radically Applied.” This is a brief overview of a life’s worth of incredible insights into how to live out a biblical worldview in every area of life today.

Luis was an amazing Kingdomizer! If you have been impacted by DNA teaching and want to stay more intentionally connected with others, stay encouraged, and hear about upcoming resources as you seek to live out a biblical worldview, you can learn more or join the Kingdomizer Network now!

Prayers for Impact

“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” Colossians 4:2

  1. Darrow Miller is in the final stages of finishing a new book–A Call for Balladeers: Pursuing Art and Beauty For the Discipling of Nations. Please pray for final details to come together in a timely fashion, for publishing in an electronic flip book version and later in a paper version in both English and Spanish, the promotional strategy for the book, and that the Spirit of God will use the book to encourage Christian artists to become true balladeers.
  2. Pray for Scott Allen as he continues writing a new book: Ten Words that Transform Culture.
  3. Pray for a fruitful time at DNA’s Global Forum in October and for funding to support some who should go, but need financial assistance.
  4. Join us in prayer for peace for Ukraine, along with needed mental health care for the local children and adults who have experienced so much trauma. Pray that God would provide necessary resources for Ukrainians–for food, medicine and fuel as well.
  5. The Grand Design Course will be released in Spanish very soon! Pray that it will impact individuals who will spread it within their networks and that nations would be discipled!

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Podcast Episodes

The Most Important Word You’ve Never Heard Of

There is nothing in this life that can cause a Christian to lose hope. Why? Because we follow the Author of history—His-story—the God of eucatastrophe. Eucatastrophe, a term coined by renowned author J.R.R. Tolkien, describes the powerful theme throughout Scripture where stories of seeming catastrophe suddenly take a dramatic turn for good at the last possible moment…

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Christian, Stop Avoiding Politics with Richard Nelson

Should Christians engage in politics? Of course, but how? In this episode, Richard Nelson, author of Christianity and Politics and President of The Commonwealth Policy Center, tackles this critical question. Historically and still today, Christians often fall into one of three inappropriate approaches to political engagement: they avoid politics as irrelevant to “more important” spiritual matters…

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