A Framework for a Life that Works with Katherine Gallagher

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Many Christians uncritically blend secular thinking with a Christian worldview. They syncretize the dominant worldview of their friends, family, and community with bits and pieces of a biblical worldview. Today’s guest shares that this fragmented thinking creates real challenges, because only one worldview actually works. There’s only one God, and He alone sets the standard for right and wrong, good and evil, right? Assuming you answered yes, then wouldn’t the worldview God offers be the only worldview that comports with His world? Join us as we seek to continually align our daily thoughts and actions with the truth of Scripture. Don’t miss this enlightening discussion with our good friend Katherine Gallager from GoStrategic, author of Worldview: A Handbook for Biblical Thinking and Lifestyle. This episode is not just another discussion; it’s a call to understand and act upon the profound consequences of our beliefs.

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"You’ve got huge churches – and the country is still falling apart. Why is that?"

Katherine Gallagher [51:00]

Go Deeper

Guest Katherine Gallagher

Katherine Gallagher serves as the Executive Director of GoStrategic. She is a former small-business owner who works with several local non-profits as a consultant and advisor. She is also an author and has made numerous radio and television appearances, having begun her speaking career in her teens with abstinence-based sex education in schools. With a passion for truth and a heart for people, she continues to speak on such topics as relationships, marriage, worldview, leadership, and personal growth from a core level. Katherine holds a bachelor’s degree in communication from Azusa Pacific University and resides in Santa Rosa, California with her husband and two children.

Hear more from Katherine on our podcast in “Hijacked Sexuality” and “Christianity is Good for the Nation.”

GoStrategic offers a School of Strategic Living, School of Business Leadership, and School of Kingdom Citizenship. Check out their ebook, Worldview: A Handbook for Biblical Thinking and Lifestyle.

Free Training Course

When the principles of the Bible are understood as a comprehensive worldview, it has tremendous power to work transformation in individuals, families, communities, and even nations. Too often, Christians are ineffective because they have absorbed cultural thinking that is not in alignment with truth.

Not all worldviews are equal. Some lead to brokenness and poverty, while the biblical worldview leads to God’s intended flourishing and the blessing of the nations. Our Kingdomizer Training Program can help you understand the biblical worldview and discover areas in your own thinking that need to be transformed by God’s Word.

More than a million people have now been trained in 115 countries. Get started with our completely free Kingdomizer Training Program today!

Now available with online training videos in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Arabic, German, Korean, Kiswahili, and Bangla.

Why does our worldview matter? Because it shapes what we think and do, and it shapes the world around us. When our communities and nations are filled with bitter fruit, we must examine the roots. As Christians, we are called to change the world for the better. It starts with us. We must intentionally think and act differently than the world, based on the reality of God’s Kingdom.

Download a free one-page Bible study handout to accompany the video!

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