
Possessing the kingdom of God: A live presentation by DNA leader Hein van Wyk

The kingdom of God is a mysterious but central aspect of the Christian faith. Out of the 40 parables Jesus taught to his disciples and to others within earshot,…

Hein VanWyk Speaks at DNA Support Center Dinner

On a beautiful early summer evening in Scottsdale, Arizona, the DNA Support Center hosted its first-ever fundraising dinner. Hein VanWyk, Southern Africa Coordinator for Samaritan Strategy Africa gave the…

A Dialogue on Racism and Christian Racial Reconciliation Final Post from Scott Allen

Final post from Scott Allen Dear Andrew and Dennae, I’m impressed by the time and care you’ve put into your responses, and am sincerely grateful for the opportunity to…

Race in America: Two Opposing Narratives

The horrific murder of George Floyd on May 25 by a police officer in Minneapolis has renewed a sincere cry from many evangelical leaders, pastors and organizations to speak…

Possessing the Kingdom (Part 2)

BY HEIN VAN WYK Out of the 40 parables Jesus taught to his disciples and to others within earshot, 18 specifically were about the kingdom. In the four gospels,…

Possessing the Kingdom (Part 1)

Out of the 40 parables Jesus taught to his disciples and to others within earshot, 18 specifically were about the kingdom. In the four gospels, the phrases kingdom of…

Our Community

Our Community We are a global community of Christ followers united by a common mission of church-based wholistic transformation. We champion seven foundational truths and adhere to seven operating…

Our Leadership Team

Our Leadership Team The DNA is a volunteer-driven network of servant leaders from all over the world. Our Founders Darrow Miller and Bob Moffitt have been friends for more…

No room for the witch doctor: Discipling Africa’s rural churches from the top down

You’ve probably heard it said that Christianity in Africa is “a mile wide and an inch deep”—churches and converts are prolific, but real transformation and a wholistic, all-life-encompassing faith…

Global Forum 2015: A Recap

Click here for more photos and for all presenters’ PowerPoints In March 2015, just outside London, wildflowers were emerging from the winter cold and God was moving mightily at the…

“I don’t want the American dream; I want God’s kingdom”

After 21-year-old Chelsey Morris spent six months with Experience Mission’s Immersion program, living in unique communities in New Mexico, South Africa, Namibia and Lesotho, she returned to her rural…

Footprints at Vastfontein: Hope for Africa Vision Conference

We are grateful to Samaritan Strategy Africa for their permission to reprint the following report. Hein van Wyk facilitated Biblical Worldview and Transformational Development training at the Vastfontein School…

Biblical Worldview Training At Your Fingertips

Coram Deo is not just another school — we’re a school for discipling nations. Our online courses are accessible to anyone, anywhere in the world. Designed to help Christians engage their communities in transforming ways, the course library will forever be FREE.

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